Well up at the crack of dawn again to another London morning. Not at all hot, just lovely in the sun but a bit chilly out of it. Strapped up my ankle as I twisted it yesterday and had to stop my walking earlier than I would have liked.
Off we went - firstly travelling by bus then we were supposed to transfer over to a train at Mile End. That would have been fine but we missed the stop and having no idea where we were ended up travelling to the end of the line which was Poplar ?????. At the bus stop we asked a young woman for some help and she put us in the right direction. Back on a bus again and into the city. This time no problems.
We drove past the Tower of London which is one of my favourite places to go to in London. maybe I will get there again over the next few weeks.
Here is a photo of it from the bus.
We ended up in the Strand and wandered along the streets again looking at the shops. There are just so many people in London - I did wonder why they were not all at work but could be sitting having a coffee and it wasn't even lunchtime. I think it is just because the population is so big.
A quick coffee for us and then lots and lots more walking. We went to Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus, Regent Street and just all over including Covent Garden which is another of my favourite places. A few stops along the way for a coffee or cold drink and a rest for my aching ankle. Overall I was very pleased with myself for getting all this exercise.
This photo is just a photo of Chris and I in the midst of some very tall and old buildings on our walk. I have also included another photo of Chris standing outside New Zealand House. This is where New Zealanders go if they need help in London.